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Komodo 3 Day Trip

A day of unparalleled adventure and natural wonders! Our 3 day Komodo trip invites you to explore the breathtaking landscapes and witness the legendary Komodo dragons in their natural habitat.

Experience the beauty of Komodo National Park

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Discover the Wonders:
Komodo National Park Unveiled

Welcome to Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a living testament to the wonders of biodiversity and natural beauty. Situated in the Indonesian archipelago, this extraordinary destination is renowned for its iconic inhabitants—the majestic Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard.

Encompassing a collection of islands, Komodo National Park is a sanctuary for a diverse range of wildlife and marine species. Beyond the awe-inspiring Komodo dragons, the park boasts rich marine ecosystems, vibrant coral reefs, and an array of terrestrial flora and fauna. The pristine landscapes, from rugged hills to pink-sand beaches, create a visual symphony that captivates every visitor.

Daily Activity :

Day 1

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Meeting Point - Kanawa Island - Sebayur or Siaba Island - Pink Beach

Hello! Welcome to Labuan Bajo! Are you ready for a majestic adventure experience? First, our team will meet you at the Airport or Hotel, after that, we will go to the meeting point on time and complete any necessary paperwork. Board the boat and meet your guide and fellow travelers. Listen to a safety briefing and itinerary overview before setting off.

Enjoy the scenic boat ride as you hop between islands. On the first day is the snorkeling day! from Kanawa Island, snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be enchanted by the kaleidoscope of marine life beneath the surface, from colorful coral gardens to schools of tropical fish.

Then goes to Sebayur or Siaba Island, is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, making it a haven for snorkelers and divers. Then we end the day at Pink Beach and spend the rest of time with sunset.

Day 2

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Padar Island - Taka Makassar - Manta Point - Rinca Island - Kalong Island

Start the day in Padar Island, the real allure of Padar lies in its panoramic viewpoints. Embark on a short trek to the island's summit, and you'll be rewarded with a spellbinding 360-degree view of three stunning bays adorned with turquoise waters and coral-fringed coastlines.

After that, we play with sand and floating in crystal clear water at Taka Makassar, and snorkel or diving to find the majestic Manta Ray in Manta Point

Then we going to Rinca Island and meet the legendary Komodo Dragons! As you explore the island's rugged terrain, you'll have the extraordinary opportunity to witness these ancient reptiles in their natural habitat. The thrill of encountering Komodo dragons in the wild is an experience that defines the allure of Rinca.

Then we take a rest and enjoy the sunset and thousands of bats flying above us at Kalong Island.

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Day 3

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Manjarite Island - Kelor Island - Back to Labuan Bajo Harbour

On the third day, we gonna go to Manjarite Island, you can just take a rest on the beach or go snorkeling and see the majestic underwater world. 


Since the beach is calm, this is excellent for beginners to go diving or snorkeling. For your information, the depth of the water is about 3-8 meters. So, you will be able to see various types of marine life clearly from the water surface. Or, you may go snorkeling or diving to explore and enjoy the underwater further.

Then we go to Kelor Island, Located near Labuan Bajo, Kelor Island is a captivating destination offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and tranquility.

This small but stunning island is characterized by its lush greenery, soft sandy shores, and crystal-clear waters. Kelor Island is a haven for those seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventurous escape.

Then we going back to Labuan Bajo harbour

Special Phinisi to Choose


Elite Class

This category is an average category or class in Phinisi Boat at Komodo National Park


Exclusive Class

This category is middle up class Phinisi Boat at Komodo National Park


Legendary Class

This is the highest Class of Phinisi Boat at Komodo National Park


Get in Touch




Jalan Lembusora V no E7

Ubung Kaja, Denpasar Utara

Bali, Indonesia


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